the missing link...
Could there be some fuzziness to my current life’s logic? It's fine to look at the bigger picture, but I may want to ask for help with the finer details..
Sometimes, life felt EMPTY. I just can’t find that missing piece to complete the jigsaw puzzle of my life. Maybe what I need is a lifestyle upgrade. Why insist on living in a certain LIFESTYLE when I can afford -- and deserve -- so much more? Maybe it’s really time to let go of the past… or present, for my case, and see just how good I can have it in the unknown future?
Well, it’s about time to really get the little ass up and do something about it rather than to ponder and wonder of the WHAT Ifs…
Ghost from the Past
Someone from my past has been on my mind lately…. The universe works in mysterious ways – just have to cross paths with them when I least expected it too.. It has been like ages now, since we had coffee and all.. Still looked and smell the same...
Hmmm… should I give destiny a nudge and send an email or call?
Nyah, maybe not.
Low life retards!!~
Some people just don’t know when to quit!! They just don't geddit!
These chunk of sadists come to you with the biggest messed up shit they can ever produce, begging for you to help them and when you finally help them clean it up, they got the cheek to just throw the whole truck of their dirty laundries on you!! Unethically piece of SH!T!!~
"Just because SOMEONE wants you take on more responsibility doesn't mean you have to say YES!" For sure, I can handle it so damn well, but that's not what matters... I would galdly do it, even if YOU get all the credits, medals and the trophies - because YOU know so well that I am so DARN good [otherwise you wouldn't have even bother to come to me in the first place, right?]..
But right now, it's all about keeping MY life in balance!! And if YOU think that your life is so miserable, shit and all, why not try solving it instead of complaining and shoving it to others? Better still, just hand in your Letter and there shall be eternal universal peace!!
To that particular person who doesn’t have a life, GET ONE FROM eBAY and stay miles away from mine!!
Screw-up Retards...
To that particular person who doesn’t have a life, GET ONE FROM eBAY and stay miles away from mine!!
Screw-up Retards...
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